Tips for Preparing Your Home for Recovery after Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you have planned to get breast augmentation done, you not only have to prepare your body, but also your home for the surgery.

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Your cosmetic surgeon and their team will prepare you well for post-surgery recovery. Their focus will mainly be on medications, pain relief, management of dressings and which activities to do or avoid.

They may even talk to you well on other things like travel, holidays, flying or childcare.

However, talking to some other patients who already have undergone this surgery is a good idea to know their experiences and you’ll get tips on how to prepare your home. Here are a few.

Preparing Your Bedroom

Quality sleep is important for everyone always. But for a person who has got a surgery done it’s even more important.

Plus, there may be only a few operations for which the way you sleep is more important and breast augmentation is one of the main among them.

Quality sleep is essential for a healthy immune system which in turn is essential for your speedy recovery. Good sleep has also been found to alleviate pain.

So, how will you prepare your bedroom for the recovery period and how will you sleep?

Buy Spare Sheets

Before undergoing the surgery like expert breast augmentation Coffs Harbour, make sure you have spare sheets. If you don’t have them, buy them.

It’s because you’ll need to lie in bed for longer than normal and even won’t be in a position to do lots of washing.

Lie On Your Back

In order to reduce the chances of swelling, it’s recommended to sleep on your back.

This will also enhance circulation and keeps your breasts in the most natural position while the surgical wound is healing.

Buy Extra Pillows

If you have any issues with lying on your back, it’s better to have pillows to support your problem areas like waist, knees etc. So, make sure you buy extra pillows too.

Remove Sleep Inhibitors from Bedroom

If you have any sleep disruptors by your bed, remove them. These include sugar, alcohol, caffeine etc. You should also limit your screen time before sleep.

Prepare Your Kitchen

Buy Drinking Straws

Eating and drinking well after surgery will speed up recovery.

If you have found breast lift cost according to PCLS Coffs Harbour and are planning to undergo breast lift surgery too, your good eating and drinking habits will help you recover faster.

Sufficient fluid consumption is essential and buying drinking straws can simplify the process of drinking because they will reduce the need to bend forward.

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Buy Small

After surgery, you’re not allowed to lift heavy objects as it can cause pain. If you are in a habit of buying large cartons of milk or juice, change it and buy smaller cartons at least for a few weeks.

Stock Up Kitchen with Healing Foods

Be sure to buy nutritious foods before surgery. Remember that not all calorific foods are bad to eat during this stage.

These include nuts like almonds, cashews, pine nuts and walnuts, and seeds like sesame, pumpkin and sunflower and are helpful for tissue generation.

Also, stock up fridge with fruits like banana, apple, pineapple and kiwi to boost your immune system. Get foods like fish, eggs, chicken, beans and soy for protein that will repair tissues.

So, when will you start the necessary shopping?